.Net Desktop Runtime 8.0
All of the StripchartOPC applications now require .Net Core version 8.0. It may be necessary to install a .Net update (.NET Desktop Runtime 8.0) linked as follows for the application to run: .Net Core 8 Desktop x64. The latest version of the installer is also available here: Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows), using the installer shown here.
High Performance Graphics Mode
Also, the new version relies on "OpenGL" graphics, which hopefully will improve compatibility with most graphic cards. It also significantly reduces RAM usage. This graphics system requires that the graphics mode on the user's PC be set to "high performance" specifically for the application where high speed plotting is implemented (StripchartV and HistoryView), or as the default mode for all applications. If the graphics card does not enable high performance mode, the application will crash when attempting to display a plot.
To change the mode for a specific application, open Windows Graphics settings, and Browse to the application. The default installation folders are: C:\Users\"user"\AppData\Local\StripchartOPC\StripchartV\ or C:\Users\"user"\AppData\Local\StripchartOPC\HistoryView\, where "user" is the user's account name. The actual install folder can be determined by right clicking the desktop icon, selecting Show More Options, then Advanced. Lastly, set the graphics mode for the application to High Performance.
To change the default mode graphic card settings, run the NVIDIA Control Panel (type "NVIDIA" in the Windows 11 Search bar) and select High Performance as the preferred graphics processor. An example is shown here: high-performance mode.
All of the StripchartOPC applications now require .Net Core version 8.0. It may be necessary to install a .Net update (.NET Desktop Runtime 8.0) linked as follows for the application to run: .Net Core 8 Desktop x64. The latest version of the installer is also available here: Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows), using the installer shown here.
High Performance Graphics Mode
Also, the new version relies on "OpenGL" graphics, which hopefully will improve compatibility with most graphic cards. It also significantly reduces RAM usage. This graphics system requires that the graphics mode on the user's PC be set to "high performance" specifically for the application where high speed plotting is implemented (StripchartV and HistoryView), or as the default mode for all applications. If the graphics card does not enable high performance mode, the application will crash when attempting to display a plot.
To change the mode for a specific application, open Windows Graphics settings, and Browse to the application. The default installation folders are: C:\Users\"user"\AppData\Local\StripchartOPC\StripchartV\ or C:\Users\"user"\AppData\Local\StripchartOPC\HistoryView\, where "user" is the user's account name. The actual install folder can be determined by right clicking the desktop icon, selecting Show More Options, then Advanced. Lastly, set the graphics mode for the application to High Performance.
To change the default mode graphic card settings, run the NVIDIA Control Panel (type "NVIDIA" in the Windows 11 Search bar) and select High Performance as the preferred graphics processor. An example is shown here: high-performance mode.